There are a number of advantages to banking at a credit union. Not only do you get superior products and the same conveniences as banking at a larger bank, you also get superior customer service. Credit unions are member-driven and strive to meet – and exceed – the needs of the members. They are actually not-for-profit organizations, so any profit acquired after paying overhead costs directly benefit the members. This results in no monthly fees and no penalties on savings or checking accounts.
Credit unions are designed to service a certain group or geographical area, comprised of members with common interests.
So who can join State Employees Credit Union?
- Any person who works for or has retired from any state, city, or county agency in New Mexico;
- Any employee of companies that do contract work for state, city, or county government, including vendors, road builders, maintenance workers, contractors, etc. who contract with or sell to city, state, or county agencies in New Mexico;
- Any person who lives or works in Valencia or San Miguel counties;
- Any person who has ever been a member of State Employees Credit Union;
- Employees of any publishing or printing company located in Santa Fe, Taos, and Rio Arriba counties (for example, The New Mexican , Outdoor Magazine , The New Mexico Magazine ); and
- Family members of any of the above groups.
Switching to SECU is a simple process:
1) Open your new account. You can apply online or visit one of our convenient branch locations to open your new account
2) Switch your direct deposits and automatic withdrawals. If you have any automatic transactions, use the provided forms to seamlessly switch them to SECU.
3) Close your old account. Once you’ve completed the paperwork, you’re ready to switch. Simply fill out the provided form to close your old account. Any remaining account balance will be transferred to your account at SECU.
Our representatives will gladly assist you with the process outlined above. If you need any assistance, you can visit us at one of our branches or give us a call at 800-983-7328 or 983-7328 in Santa Fe.
You will find more information and all necessary forms in our Switch Kit. You can find more information about membership, our services, loans, and more at
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