There a few things more heartwarming than a Christmas Eve stroll down Santa Fe’s historic Canyon Road when it has been adorned—as it has been every Christmas Eve since the 1970s—with farolitos and luminarias, and teems with carolers singing for passers-by.
The winter night chill is displaced by the magic of seeing hundreds of glowing lights line the half-mile stretch of road in downtown Santa Fe. The scents of bonfires and biscochitos waft through the air, thermoses are filled with hot chocolate, and a few galleries leave their doors open for those looking for a respite from the cold. It is an event so uniquely New Mexican; it’s hard to imagine such an exhibition happening anywhere else in America.
If you haven’t been to the Canyon Road Farolito Walk, I highly recommend you see it. It’s one of my favorite nights of the year. The walk begins at dusk on December 24th, and is free. It attracts thousands of locals and visitors, though, so if you want to dodge the crowds try showing up a little later, like 8 p.m. after the rush has passed. Remember to dress warmly and wear comfortable shoes, as it’s a lot of walking and Canyon Road can be a little uneven, and depending on recent weather, a bit icy too.
Leave your strollers at home if you can, since Canyon Road is narrow and hilly, and will also be jam-packed with people. The crowd is also a good reason to consider leaving your dog at home too, since the busyness can upset even the most laid back pooch.
If you go to the Canyon Road Farolito Walk, let us know. Tell us on Facebook on here on our blog. A few from SECU might even see you there!